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The Klapr Blog...where you read the story behind the product

The 3House: fun at work

The 3House: fun at work The3House offers customized training and coaching for teams and executives to bring the joy of life to the workplace. Key themes are addressed to boost work attitudes, for example: leadership and teamwork, communication, dealing with change and resilience on the floor.

Inspiring and slightly different

Inspiring and slightly different Era Contour creates space and a home. Collaborating with others is their strenght and that is why Era Contour home buyers receive a special service from the Warehouse. Located in the Rotterdam Schiehaven is a warehouse filled with inspiration for you new home; the Warehouse.

Sustainable living with "the Ideal Home"

Sustainable living with "the Ideal Home" D+ B Architects design sustainable and bio-based buildings for living and working that uphold all needs. The newest concept is De Ideale Woning (The Ideal Home), which they develop themselves. A permanently adaptable and expandable concept for all target groups and life phases, which consists entirely of wood from the ground floor .

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